The Climate in Emergency

A weekly blog on science, news, and ideas related to climate change

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Undaunted Reprise

Here is a re-post of a book review worth a second read. Specifically, it’s a review of Undaunted, by Carolyn Baker, a fascinatingly bad book.

I don’t normally discuss my dislike of books in public, as the lives of authors are tough enough without negative press, but In this case I believe the author did a disservice to an important topic—and I am not being facetious when I say the book’s shortcomings were fascinating.


I’ll start off by simply describing the book.

The front cover image of the book, "Undaunted," showing a tree seedling sprouting out of charcoal. The title is in white lettering that looks cracked or torn on the edges. The subtitle and other text are in smaller, yellowish lettering.

Undaunted: Living Fiercely into Climate Meltdown in an Authoritarian World, by Carolyn Baker

2022. Apocryphile Press

Carolyn Baker thinks, not without reason, that the world as we know it, and possibly all life on Earth, is ending. She explicitly states that there is nothing we can do now to avert this catastrophe, but we can live fully and joyfully while our lives last by embracing, rather than rejecting, our grief, fear, and anger. Undaunted is supposed to be about how to do that.

A recurring theme is the inadvisability of various escapes from what the author calls “our predicament.” The escape she spends the most time attempting to close off is hope—hope that some technical fix or other last-minute miracle will avert climate catastrophe and save us. “Hope” is one of those words that can mean multiple things that differ both subtly and radically from each other, to the point that it is sometimes possible, even advisable, to both abandon hope and cling to hope at the same time.

It’s not entirely clear what Ms. Baker means by the word, hope, and her reasons for attempting to strip her readers of it (she explicitly states such as her goal) are not fully and clearly defined. However, I can list a few possibilities gleaned from her words:

  • Hope is a denial of reality as it now is, and as such presents us from dealing with reality effectively.
  • Hope allows us to think it’s OK to keep doing things that make the situation worse.
  • Hope blocks us from experiencing the personal and spiritual transformation that loss and grief would otherwise give us.

Besides hope, Ms. Baker also attacks several other unskillful states (a phrase she doesn’t use, but given her reliance on Buddhist and Hindu concepts in certain places, it seems appropriate). “Doom and gloom,” that is, an obsessive focus on the horrific details of climate catastrophe, comes under repeated criticism, not because Ms. Baker disagrees about the doom part (she doesn’t), but because such obsessiveness is both strategically and spiritually unhelpful—it blocks the spiritual gifts of loss just as hope does. Similarly, denigrating and dismissing as problematic the whole of humanity prevents us from accessing the meaning and richness of human relationships. Human connection is one of the primary sources of meaning in Ms. Baker’s view. Straight-up denial that a problem even exists is as bad as hope, and for the same reasons.

The various chapters—all short, competently written, and full of excerpts and references to other interesting works, address various thematically-related topics, such as the importance of consciously limiting one’s awareness so as to avoid getting too overwhelmed, or the importance of accepting and feeling grief and related emotions. Each chapter concludes with a list of “fierce practices,” mostly journaling exercises apparently designed to foster personal growth through awareness of loss and grief.

There are some real gems in the book, however, there is also a pervasive lack of focus, as though much of Undaunted were a cloud of thematically-related material, rather than a pointed, reasoned argument or a set of instructions towards a clearly-defined goal. Undaunted also suffers from reliance on highly-questionable source material, largely through her repeated references to Indigenous culture (note the counterfactual use of the singular) and her use of hospice as a metaphor for the current state of the Earth (she appears to fundamentally misunderstand hospice).

And then there’s Ms. Baker’s central premise, that the Earth’s condition is hopeless. That premise is, shall we say, questionable at best.


Ms. Baker’s book is easy to dismiss on the basis of its many flaws, but it so very almost gets so many important things right. They say “almost only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades,” but an idea is close enough to being a hand-grenade that almost is worth paying attention to.

Grief is important. Despair is important. Giving up is, under some circumstances, important. Radical transformation can indeed follow radical loss, and even without such existential considerations, there’s something to be said for turning when you meet a wall instead of continuing to crash straight onto the bricks over and over. What we need to give up on, what kinds of hope no longer serve us, is an important topic to discuss right now. Ms. Baker is right as far as that goes.

I’m just not sure she discusses it well.

There are several important distinctions Ms. Baker either misses or appears to miss. Most critically, the fact that we can’t now escape from climate change undamaged does not mean that fighting climate change is pointless. It could still get a lot worse, and that means we still have the power to prevent it from getting worse. She also does what most writers on climate change seem to, which is to assume that our collective failure to take meaningful climate action is simply some permutation of either human nature or “Western” (that is, “not-indigenous”) culture—when actually climate inaction is the deliberate creation of very specific people with a very specific agenda, people who are still pursuing their agenda as we speak, people who are largely getting away with it.

Can we make a serious attempt to fight for climate justice while also honoring grief, learning from sadness, and meditating upon despair? I think so. And Ms. Baker doesn’t precisely say we can’t. But she doesn’t say we can, either.

My fear is that Undaunted will be just another excuse for good people to do nothing while evil wins. The author seems utterly unaware of several important facts, among them that “our predicament” really can get a lot worse than it is right now. Also, my suspicion is that the book offers the wisdom of the ages filtered through a heavy layer of unchecked privilege, becoming simply an unusually nihilistic version of same-old, same-old: privileged, mostly-white people once again making it all about them. Transform your Inner Self while Rome burns.

We need to do better.

Being the Change

I want to do the inner work Ms. Baker says I should. I agree with her there. But I will not accept her as my guide into what promises to be difficult, painful territory because the various shortcomings of her book mean she has not earned my trust. I need a guide I can trust, if I am to visit dark places.

Whom do I trust?

Ursula K. LeGuin (her novels, The Farthest Shore and The Left Hand of Darkness have been particularly useful in my contemplation of Undaunted). Terry Tempest Williams (read Refuge, if you haven’t yet). Charles Curtin. Elisabeth Curtis. Rowland Russell. Tom Wessels. Gary Snyder (notably Practice of the Wild). Me, quite possibly.

What might I say to myself, to you, about how to answer Ms. Baker’s challenge?

Stay Current

There are many possible paths of personal development and discovery that may be relevant to “our predicament,” as Ms. Baker calls it. These paths begin in or pass through Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, various practices that might broadly be called “indigenous”, psychotherapy, New Age, and probably a million other things. I have, at one time or another, felt the pull of several of these and borrowed tools from them, and I honor those that find one or another of these paths useful. But I am not, by nature, a devotee. I cannot focus on anything except the work I have in front of me and the individuals I care about or have a duty to care fore.

I need something very simple, very direct.

And I’m thinking about how easy it is to decide that whatever’s going on doesn’t count, that a loss or disruption isn’t that bad, is temporary, or is just plain not real. That we’re going to get back to normal, soon, so emotionally reacting to whatever current predicament we’ve got isn’t necessary. And indeed some problems are temporary, but others aren’t. And it’s hard to know which is which.

There are some corners of the therapy/recovery world where they use the phrase “getting current” to refer to a deliberate acknowledgment of emotionally salient reality. For example, you could start a therapy session by spending five minutes or so just checking in about how you’re doing, how you’re feeling, what’s been on your mind lately. Then, even if you spend the rest of your session talking about some other thing, you are grounded in your current emotional reality instead of whatever form of happy face you normally wear for whatever reason.

So “current,” getting current, being current, is a kind of technical term meaning to be consciously grounded in your current emotional reality—not that you’re enlightened or present or mindful, just that you’re not emotionally wrapped up in some pleasant fantasy-land. Your emotions are where you are.

So before attempting some sort of “journey” involving healing work and discovering the Self and making decisions about which types of hope to lose and which to keep, how about just get current. The world is what it is. Your life is what it is. How do you feel?

How do you feel?

Make Room

One of the things that most impresses me about those I consider wise is the ability to pause between stimulus and response. Somebody says something, and instead of getting defensive or angry or happy, or whatever else, you just pause. And in that pause you can notice that maybe you’ve misunderstood something or overlooked something. You can choose a skillful response, instead of acting on knee-jerk impulse.

I’d like to learn how to do this, to be less buffeted by my emotions, so I can learn things that upset me or talk with people who disagree with me without feeling the need to shut down or escape.

What about you?


One of the things you may or may not know about me is that I’m a serious Trekkie especially interested in Vulcan culture. Vulcans are a species of hyper-rational aliens who have supposedly given up emotion in favor of logic—although fortunately certain writers have given this fictional species more nuance over the years, explaining that they don’t lack emotion, they just transcend it, and so on.

So, we are told, Cthia is the Vulcan word usually translated as logic, but this is a mistranslation– “reality-truth” would be better. The Vulcan Mastery of Passions is, in fact, based on the teachings of a man named Surak (most Vulcan male names are similar to his in tribute, don’t let that confuse you) who realized that people were hurting and killing each other out of knee-jerk emotional reactions, largely fear. He taught that once one had acknowledged and accepted one’s emotions fully, they could no longer dominate one’s behavior and perceptions. One could then choose instead to do the right thing—and the right thing to do could be discovered by rigorous attention to reality-truth (cthia) and an ethical system rooted in core concepts such as honor, duty, the celebration of diversity, and the awareness of unconditional joy.

The older I get, the more I find that all that actually works. It might be applicable to our “predicament.”

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Climate Change and Passover

Some years ago, I posted a list of links to articles using the occasion of Passover to discuss climate change from a specifically Jewish perspective. I tried to re-post it, but a lot of the links no longer work. So I’m collecting more links. Just to be clear, I know very little about Judaism, which is why I’m not writing an article on it myself.

Links for You

Here is the list. It looks short, but four articles are actually a lot to sit down and read at once.

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Why This Book?

My climate change book group read How Civil Wars Start recently. At first glance, it doesn’t look like a good fit for the topic, but actually it’s perfect and important.

The cover image of the book, How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them, by Barbara F. Walter. The image has a plain black background, and the title is in large, red lettering that's meant to look like embroidery--perhaps suggesting something that might come undone if a loose thread is pulled? The subtitle and author's name are in much smaller, white lettering, and a white circle near the top bears the words "New York Times Bestseller" in small, black lettering.

To briefly summarize– apparently there is a lot of scholarship out there on what countries have in common right before the outbreak of civil wars, the statistically-important risk factors. The more of these risk factors a country has, the more likely it is to have a civil war soon. There is some scholarly understanding of why these factors matter, but the factors are derived from data analysis, not from speculation. Anyway, the author, Ms. Walter, summarizes and presents this scholarship in a clear and accessible way, using various historical situations to illustrate her point–and also argues that the United States of America shows all the signs of being on the brink.

The full title of the book is How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them, but the stopping them part is a short section at the end that contains nothing that isn’t obvious to someone who has read the rest of the book. For example, she says that a deterioration of government services is a risk factor, and so among the tips she offers at the end is Improve the quality of government services. OK, how? How am I, Caroline Ailanthus, supposed to do that? And even if I were in a position to directly change policy and procedure, it’s worth noting that America has not experienced a deterioration in services by pure accident–a great many people have fought hard to prevent the deterioration, and have simply been out-fought by people who wanted services to deteriorate. How should we who wish to prevent civil war deal with that? Ms. Walter doesn’t say.

It’s worth noting that her advice, unlike the rest of the book, does not appear to be based on statistical data analysis–she does not suggest anyone has looked for answers to countries that had the warning signs and avoided war, to see what they did. Have there been any such countries? I suspect the advice is simply tacked on as an after-thought to make the book more palatable. More on that shortly.

While I’m offering criticism, I should admit that while Ms. Walter’s central points seem solid, some of her secondary, supporting points are at best poorly-phrased. For example, every country can be placed somewhere on a continuum between autocracy and democracy, with a zone in the middle called anocracy that is particularly risky for civil war. Well, Ms. Walter states that the US is now closer to anocracy than it has been at any other time since 1793.


Now, our country well may be more something it hasn’t been since 1793, and I’m sure it’s not good, but on the face of it “closer to anocracy” seems like it must mean “less democratic,” and there is no way we are less democratic now than we have been at any time since 1793, given that in 1794 (and for many years after) there were laws preventing women, black people, poor people, and immigrants from voting.

But let’s talk about climate change.

There are several very good reasons why anybody concerned about climate change should also be concerned about civil war, particularly civil war in the United States.

  • There is NOTHING so bad that the mighty American war machine turned against itself will not make worse. Look up some stats on what happened last time and then consider that since then we’ve largely forgotten how to be polite and we’ve invented nuclear weapons.
  • More specifically, if the United States has a second civil war, do you really think there will be meaningful American climate action during the war? Do you really think the rest of the world can avert catastrophe without America’s participation?
  • If the United States has a second civil war, the people who get hurt the most will be the same people already most vulnerable to climate change. The hurts will multiply.
  • According to Ms. Walter, crises often escalate to war through a process of mutually-reinforcing polarization wherein factions form, and each faction becomes convinced that the other poses an existential threat that must be defended against–and the defense further feeds other faction’s fear, which in turn…. And very few people who get involved in this process understand what is happening until it is too late. In America, concern about climate change has largely been consigned to a single side of what is increasingly an us/them divide. To the extent that we treat that divide as real–that we identify as “us,” opposing and opposed by “them,” we prepare for and foment civil war.
  • It’s possible to argue–and I have argued–that the present political movement towards autocracy and fascism in America has as its primary and ultimate aim the prevention of meaningful climate action.

Simply put, if America has another civil war, it will be fought over climate action (whatever the people who first start shooting think they are shooting about), and the climate will lose (regardless of what the people who emerge victorious say they want). And our good intentions alone will not prevent us from making the situation worse or being used by others to make the situation worse.

Ms. Walter doesn’t know how to stop it. I don’t either. But, like her, I consider reading up on how civil wars start a good place to begin.

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Looking to Easter

Technically, this is last-week’s post. I mean, it’s a re-post from previous years that I should have re-posted last week but didn’t because I was busy being way too anxious. Enjoy.


Easter is the commemoration of the death of a political prisoner at the hands of the State. I’ve always found the thought of Jesus-as-activist much more intriguing than the possibility of His resurrection–which might be because I’m not Christian, but I know dedicated Christians who seem to feel the same way. It’s a fact that being a good person can be dangerous. It’s also true that we keep having good people anyway.

I’ve decided to honor the incontrovertible miracle of bravery in the face of persecution by acknowledging climate change martyrs–scientists who are being harassed, even threatened, because of their work on climate. Some may be murdered, if the problem persists. They keep working.

The harassment goes back to the mid-1990’s, but has been increasing in recent years. Examples taken from the various articles I read for this piece (and have linked to) include: threats to “see to it” that a scientist would be fired; vague threats on a scientist’s children’s safety; the deposit of a dead rat on a scientist’s doorstep; the display of a noose by an audience member during a public talk by a climate scientist; and multiple, spurious accusations of fraud or other wrongdoing on the part of climate scientists.

That last may seem less frightening than the physical threats, but it’s actually much more sinister. After all, it is illegal to physically attack someone, so the chance of anyone actually making good on a death threat are very low–but it is not illegal to file so many Freedom of Information Act requests or legal challenges over the use of government money that the target cannot conduct research.

Some researchers are becoming afraid to speak out on climate change, sometimes asking that their names not be associated with their work. Others labor on behind locks that have been changed and phone numbers that have been de-listed. This is happening.

Curiously, the problem is largely American. Australian climate scientists have also been harassed, but not on the scale of what their American counterparts have had to deal with. And while Canada has had a serious problem with high-level climate denial in the past, it never bubbled over into organized harassment of scientists. Britain and continental Europe and Japan have seen little of the problem, although scientists there are very concerned for their American and Australian colleagues. Climate-denial in general is specific to the English-speaking world, at least in part because organized climate denial is propagated largely by American organizations–that speak English. That the United States is at the center of the problem should, perhaps, not be much of a surprise. After all, the United States is key to global climate action–without American leadership, meaningful emissions reduction is unlikely to happen. With American leadership, we have a chance. And since the only way to accomplish meaningful emissions reduction is to stop burning fossil fuel, if I owned a boatload of stock in the fossil fuel industries and had no conscience whatsoever, I’d try to take out American interest in climate. Wouldn’t you? And, clearly, attacking American climate scientists is part of that effort.

The recent rise in harassment dates to over ten years ago, when two events occurred in quick succession: the release of the 2007 IPCC Report, which seemed on the verge of triggering meaningful climate action in the United States; and the election of a black man as President of the United States. The latter made possible the rise of the Tea Party, a movement that is demonstrably fueled by racist resentment rather than ideological concerns about government and yet is funded by the Koch brothers (plus Rupert Murdock), oilmen whose personal racism (do an internet search on “are the Kochs racist?”) is obviously less important than their investment in preventing climate action–they also fund the Heartland Institute, which is a major driver of American climate denial.

That the American version of hostility to climate action became deeply enmeshed with suspicion of government over-reach at the same time that the government was headed by a black man may not be a complete coincidence.

I do not raise the specter of racism simply to discredit climate deniers, but rather to suggest a mechanism whereby American conservative populism may have been hijacked and made to serve an anti-environmentalist agenda.

Some attacks on climate scientists–and by “attacks” I mean everything from threats to legal action to deliberate bureaucratic nonsense–have been perpetrated by individuals, others by organized climate-denier groups. Some of the most frightening, to me, anyway, come from government officials, including Lamar Smith, the (now former) Chair of the Science Committee of the US House of Representatives, and (now former) Virginia Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli.

Scientists themselves are not passive before all of this, and are fighting back, both individually and collectively. The Union of Concerned Scientists particularly is taking action, but needs money, and possibly other support. They need money with which to fight spurious lawsuits and stave off equally spurious bureaucratic demands which, together, might otherwise stop American climate scientists from working. I’m posting a link to their request again, here. Please support them.

Silencing inconvenient people is not an American thing to do–and when it happens anyway, the American thing to do is to stand up and do something about it.

I chose “Ideas Are Bullet-proof” as title for the original version of this post. It’s a quote from the movie, V for Vendetta. The bad-guy has the hero riddled with bullets, and yet the hero does not fall but ultimately triggers the fall of the corrupt and authoritarian government–because while the hero is not personally immortal, ideas cannot be murdered. I had occasion to remember the quote recently–a friend of mine, a political organizer and activist and a deeply religious man, wrote something on Facebook that, knowing him as I do, reminded me of the ultimate futility of trying to erase ideas by attacking inconvenient people.

I have just asked his permission to share his post with you:

A few minutes before Easter. I love this annual celebration of the underlying reality that empires can’t kill the Spirit, and that a spiritual wholeness is resurrected every time we take loving and wise action in the world around us. I see the life of Jesus as one of the most powerful patterns and examples of radical faithfulness. Miracles continue to happen. Blessed be.

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A Family Re-Post

I first posted “A Family Expecting” shortly after the birth of my nephew. I have re-posted it occasionally since then, and rewritten it at least once under a new title. I’m re-posting again now for reasons that should be obvious to friends and family–and I figure now is also a good time to remind people that what we’re doing really matters.  Although this story is a fantasy, it is based on the published results of climate models. Please check out the original for the research links posted at the bottom.

Yesterday, my first nephew was born. He is small and wrinkled and has acne on his nose. He has wispy black hair and silvery-blue eyes. He knows the voices of his family and the scents and sounds of the hospital. He does not know about his home, going to school, or getting a job. He doesn’t know about casual friends, mean people, or birthday cake. He doesn’t know what the world will be like for him.

Neither do we, obviously, but if he lives to see his 89th birthday then his life will touch the end of the century, spanning the same period of time across which many climate models dare to predict. He comes from farming people in the Piedmont of the Mid-Atlantic. If he stays here and inherits his parents’ farm, as he might, then his life will also be the life of this landscape. What will he see?

This child will go home soon, and become the son of the land. He’ll rest in a cradle on the floor of a barn, his mother rocking him with one bare foot as she directs customers picking up vegetables in June. In two or three years, he’ll carry handfuls of squash guts as gifts for the chickens and a rooster as tall as he is will look him in the eye and decide he’s ok. He’ll listen to his parents worry about droughts. He’ll learn to hope the heavy rains don’t rot the tomatoes and that rising gas prices don’t break the bank. There will likely be more such worries as he gets older. Summers will be hotter. His mother will say it didn’t used to be like this, but grown-ups always say that.

According to the IPCC, by the time he’s a teenager, temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic will average maybe two degrees higher than they did during his mother’s childhood. That does not sound like much, but averages rarely do. One degree can turn a pretty snow into a destructive ice storm.

Warming, in and of itself, will be good for the crops; only a local rise of about five degrees Fahrenheit or more hurts productivity. That’s unlikely to happen here until my nephew is a very old man. But the Great Plains may warm faster, enough to cause a problem; he could study the shifting agricultural economics in college.

Our area could either get wetter or drier. Parts of northern and central Mexico will almost certainly get drier, maybe dramatically so. These areas are dry already, so I imagine a lot more people will start heading north. My nephew will discuss the refugee problem with his friends, lean on his shovel in the morning sun, and wonder if the United States has a responsibility to keep Mexicans from dying when Congress is already deadlocked over how to pay for the flooding in New England. Seems you can’t keep a bridge built in Vermont, anymore. He takes off his sun hat and scratches his thinning hair.

Years pass. My nephew thinks about his upcoming fiftieth birthday, and also about New York City, where three of his grandparents grew up. It’s turning into a ghetto. It’s not under water, exactly, though the highest tides creep slowly across abandoned parking lots in some neighborhoods, spilling over the older seawalls. The problem is this is the second time it’s been stricken by a hurricane, and now no one can get the insurance money to rebuild. The same thing has happened to New Orleans and Miami. Boston may be next. Those who can get out, do. Those who can’t, riot. They have a right to be angry. His daughter is pregnant with his first grandchild. My nephew cannot keep his family safe indefinitely, but he’s glad his parents taught him how to grow food.

More years pass, and my nephew turns sixty-five. He proud of his skill as a farmer, especially with the way the rules keep changing. The farm seems to be in Zone 8, these days. He’s got new crops and new weeds. He has friends in southern Maryland who haven’t had a hard frost in two years. Maybe this year they will; Farmer’s Almanac says it’ll be cold. Last year, he and his wife took a trip through New England and let his kids take care of the harvest for once. They stayed at romantic little bed-and-breakfasts and took long walks in the woods, holding hands. There was white, papery birch-bark on the ground, here and there, the stuff takes a long time to rot, but he knew he’d have to go to Canada if he wanted to see one alive. The American white birches are all dead, killed by a changing climate. It’s sad.

Eventually, my nephew becomes a very old man, a spry but somewhat stooped 89-year-old, mostly bald, with great cottony billows of hair spilling out of his ears, his breathing deep and slow and marred by occasional coughs and rumbles. He has lived long enough to see more change than any prior human generation has, and that’s saying something. A lot of the change is environmental, but not all of it. Major technological shifts have reworked the country yet again, and the entire political and economic center of gravity has pulled away from the coasts. He is aware of this upheaval intellectually, but viscerally he is used to the world he lives in. He lives well. He is loved and he is useful. No dramatic disasters have befallen him–the worst-case scenarios have not played out, but mostly he’s just been lucky. Plenty of disasters have happened to other people. My nephew is sympathetic. He writes his Congress-people and gives generously through his church whenever he can. But a lot of good that could have been done decades ago wasn’t.

I saw my nephew tonight. He’s at home now, wrapped in a blue blanket like an animate dumpling, slowly fretting against the swaddling. His wrists and ankles are as thin as my thumbs. He’s too young for baby fat. He doesn’t know what his future holds. And neither, really, do we.


I wrote the above fantasy several years ago and many of my predictions have already come true. For example, Manhattan was hit by a major storm-surge (Superstorm Sandy) and Miami Beach now floods regularly due to sea-level rise. I don’t think my nephew knows it, but the years of his  life thus far have seen consecutive global heat records broken, two successive record-breaking tropical cyclones (Haiyan and Patricia), rumors of “jellyfish seas,” a major climate-related refugee crisis, the possible California Megadrought, and dramatic, unprecedented fires in Canada, the United States, and Indonesia. Among other deeply worrying developments.

Come on, people, put your backs into it, whatever we make of the future, my nephew will have to live there.

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Groundhog Day

Rise and shine, campers! Don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cold out there today. It’s cold out there every day.

Thus, if memory serves, begins the loop in the remarkable Bill Murray movie that has totally taken over the phrase “groundhog’s day” in recent years (yes, technically the loop begins with the clock radio registering six AM and turning on to play “I Got You, Babe,” but it’s the dialogue Phil Conners and the audience soon memorize).

If you say “it’s Groundhog’s Day,” you will be understood to mean not that it is the second of February, and not that spring is right around the corner, but rather that something is repeating, possibly endlessly, and there is nothing you can do about it. You’re stuck in a loop, just as Phil Conners is in the movie.

I assume you’ve seen it? No? OK, go watch. I’ll wait. Not that you need the movie to understand this post, you don’t, it’s just a good movie.

Back now? Good.

I’ve always found the movie very hope-inspiring. It’s premise is that a man, Phil, gets stuck in a loop, repeating February second over and over. He can do anything he likes on that day, even die, and he still wakes up at six in the morning to find everything except his own memory entirely re-set. It’s Groundhog Day again. There is never any explanation given for the loop. It finally ends and time marches forward with him again after he’s learned his lesson, so possibly the loop happened in order to teach him something, but we can’t be sure and neither can we. Although the movie is a comedy, it escapes triteness by taking Phil’s misery seriously. It’s a very hard lesson and he takes a very long time to learn it. But he needed to learn it. He was a self-involved jerk who could not be happy. He needed the help. To me, the idea that the universe might stage an intervention in this way is a tremendously cheering fantasy.

And it’s a fantasy that is curiously congruent with the themes of the ancient cross-quarter day that became the modern Groundhog’s Day–renewal, beginnings, the first hint of spring.

Groundhog’s Day is also America’s only holiday that celebrates climate.

On History and Groundhogs

Groundhog’s Day goes back to Europe, where various animals (hedgehogs, bears, badgers, perhaps even snakes) were said to emerge from hibernation in February and either see or not see their shadow. Now, a moment’s thought reveals the animal is not predicting the weather in these stories, only reacting to the fact that it is sunny; the stories are a memorable way to say that clear weather in early February tends to be followed by a late spring–I don’t know if that’s true, but it could be, at least in Europe where the tradition is from.

February 1st is also a cross-quarter day, one of the four days per year mid-way between a solstice and an equinox. All four were holidays in at least some of the pre-Christian European religions and all four survive as folk traditions, Christian holidays, and modern pagan holidays. I have always heard that in European pagan tradition, the seasons begin on the cross-quarters, not the quarters–thus, spring begins not on the Spring Equinox but on the previous cross-quarter, in February. I’ve always wondered if perhaps “six more weeks of winter” is a remnant of cultural indecision as to which calendar was correct–whether spring should begin in February or six weeks later, in March.

In any case, German immigrants in Pennsylvania, who had told stories about hedgehog’s seeing their shadows back home, switched to groundhogs (same thing as woodchucks, FYI) in the New World because North America has no hedgehogs (porcupines are unrelated). In the late 1800’s, the community of Punxsutawny announced that THEIR groundhog, named Phil, was the one and only official groundhog for everybody, thus utterly divorcing the tradition from any concern with local weather. There are rival Groundhog’s Day ceremonies, but Phil is still the primary one.

Curiously, real groundhogs do sometimes come out of their burrows in the later part of winter. All groundhogs break hibernation briefly several times through the winter, usually without leaving their burrows, but one study showed that males use some of their break-time to get up and about, defending their territories and meeting females. They do not mate during these visits, but do court. Females will not mate with strangers, but since mating must occur right after hibernation ends (or the young won’t be born early enough to store enough fat for the next winter), courtship has to happen on the breaks during the hibernation period. Males go out to visit females rather than the other way around because females have to save their energy for pregnancy.  It’s probably a coincidence that Punxsutawny made their iconic groundhog male, but it is appropriate–it’s the males who come out in February.

On Groundhog’s Day and Climate

Although the groundhog is usually said to predict the weather (Phil Conners is a weatherman sent to do a story about his rodent colleague), if clear weather in February does mean a late spring, that’s not weather, that’s climate.

Again, I don’t know that such a pattern exists, but it could. There are patterns to weather that repeat, year after year. That’s what climate is. And while such patterns are fiendishly difficult to pin down without good data and the right statistics, it’s not hard to imagine a group of German villagers telling stories about weather and animals over hundreds of years to figure it out in an approximate way. That’s the kind of knowledge that makes farming and hunting and the rest of life possible for people who don’t have access to modern science–and it mostly works well enough.

Patterns in the natural world form the framework for our cultural observances and lifeways.

Punxsutawny Phil is silly, not because he’s a groundhog predicting the weather, but because he is supposedly the groundhog predicting spring for everybody, everywhere, and that’s not how these things work. The knowledge is local, part of an intimate familiarity between a people and a place, the place one’s culture has developed in order to accommodate, the place where one knows how to live. We’re not silly to prefer the places most familiar to us, the places where our traditions make sense.

But patterns change. Certain things don’t repeat themselves over and over, not anymore.

The climate is changing. If clear weather in February once meant something, it might mean that no longer. These shifts can mess up life for a lot of animals, including us. The world is getting less reliable, less like home.

It’s a little thing, as consequences from climate change go, but one likely to have a profound effect on us psychologically. There is still time to do something about it. Get involved politically, support climate-sane candidates.


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Things Going Bump in the Night

I don’t have time or energy to write my traditional New Years’ post right now, but a big storm is raging outside and branches are falling out of the trees and onto the roof going BUMP in the dark. And Crisfield is doubless flooding again, and our friend the farmer in Talbot County called to say they expect the storm surge to reach three feet above normal high tide. That’s a big deal, here in the Land of Flat.

So, naturally I’m thinking about climate change and sea level rise.

(And I mention it’s currently 55 degrees Fahrenheit in January in Maryland?)

This seems like a good time to re-post the following. I originally posted it in March six years ago. So it refers to specific storms that are no longer recent–I’m not even sure the current storm counts as a nor’easter. It’s still a re-post worth reading.

What Are Nor’easters?

This week’s storms are nor’easters. They’re not unusual, although the recent one was an extreme example. Like hurricanes, they are very large low pressure systems that bring wind and rain (or snow) and last for several days. Unlike hurricanes, they draw their power, not from warm water (there wasn’t any under Riley) but from the interaction between warm and cold air masses. They generally form in winter. In the case of Riley, a storm system moved east across the US, then drove the rapid development of a very intense low pressure area just off the coast, which then moved north and gradually east. On satellite images, the thing looks like a hurricane, a massive pinwheel of swirling cloud off the coast. While too far out in the Atlantic now to influence my weather directly, Riley still exists. It’s busy causing damaging surf on Puerto Rico from thousands of miles away.

Nor’easters seldom approach hurricane force winds. Typically, these storms are gusty, not windy, a serious inconvenience, but not a danger, unless you have bad luck (such as an unusually weak tree limb right above your car). Rily was the most intense I’ve seen, and around here it was only in the high tropical storm-force range.

The lesser winds do not make these storms mild.

For one thing, nor’easters have much larger peak wind fields than hurricanes do. While a hurricane might have sustained winds of 90 miles an hour near its center, most of the area the storm passes over will get much weaker winds, say 50 or 60 miles per hour. A strong nor’easter will blast the same 50 or 60 miles per hour over the same large area, it just lacks the 90 mph core.

Second, wind is not the most destructive aspect of a hurricane, it’s just the easiest way to compare storms to each other. The size of the wind field, the speed the storm travels (and hence how long it spends in any one place), the size of its storm surge, and how much it rains are all much more important in terms of its destructive power–and above all, there is the question of what it hits. A low-lying, heavily populated area where the people lack both money and political power is where the disaster happens. And nor’easters have large wind-fields, heavy precipitation, sometimes heavy coastal flooding, and can persist for days.

And, as with hurricanes, when we get a bad one (or several) people start asking about climate change.

Nor’easters and Climate Change

Meteorologists can be quick to point out that individual storms can’t be linked to climate change, which both is and is not true. One recently referred to efforts to draw the link as “witch-craft.” That’s at best disingenuous.

We can absolutely prove that climate change is making nor’easters worse, for the same reason that climate change is making hurricanes worse. First, the single most dangerous aspect of either storm is coastal flooding, which is unquestionably worse now that the sea level is several inches higher than it was when most existing infrastructure was built and when the data used to define flood zones for insurance purposes were gathered. The apparent sea-level rise varies from place to place, because geological forces are also in play making the ground rise in some places and fall in others, but climate change can claim about eight inches of it world wide, due to a combination of thermal expansion (things, including oceans, expand when they heat up) and glacier melt. That means every coastal flood event, including all hurricanes and all nor’easters, are eight inches worse than they would otherwise have been.

Eight inches of water doesn’t sound like much, until you imagine it inside your living room.

Also, a warmer planet means more humid air, which means wetter storms. In the winter, as long as the air temperature is below freezing (which isn’t really very cold), that means more snow–more closed roads, more fallen trees and snapped power lines, more collapsed roofs, more car accidents, more missed days of school. All of this should sound very familiar to some readers right about now. All that white stuff? Yup, it’s a symptom of climate change, not a negation of it. In warmer weather, wet storms means rain which means flooding. That’s ruined houses, damaged roads, washed-out bridges, soaked earth–leading to toppled trees and snapped power lines–and drownings.

We’ve been through this already with hurricanes; climate change does not have to cause individual storms, or even make a certain type of storm more likely or more intense, in order to directly cause more storm damage.

But can climate change cause nor’easters? Yeah, it kind of looks like they can.

Connecting the Dots

To tell this story, we have to cover a bit of atmospheric anatomy.

Remember the polar vortex? It was all over the news a few years ago, but I haven’t heard of it of late. It still exists, though. Actually, there’s two of them. Or sometimes three.

The polar vortex is not a type of storm, but rather either of two long-term atmospheric features–this sounds a little different than the last time I explained it, because the two features tend to get mixed up in public discussion, and I only recently learned that they are distinct.

Originally, “polar vortex” meant a circular pattern of winds that forms in the stratosphere around the pole in winter. It’s also called the polar night jet, because the sun does not rise in the winter at its latitude. The winds blow from west to east and divide cold polar air from warmer air at lower latitudes–the stratosphere is a layer that begins several miles up, above where weather happens. But in recent years, the term has also been applied to the jet stream, a circular pattern of winds in the troposphere–a much lower layer–also at a boundary between warm and cold air, but much farther south. The jet stream meanders, across the latitudes covered by the United States and southern Canada. The jet stream exists winter or summer, and its shape and location help determine whether any given area gets warm, tropical air or cold, arctic air this particular week.

Ok, so, definitions taken care of, what does either polar vortex have to do with climate change or Winter Storm Riley?

A lot of the strange weather we’ve had in recent years has been caused by extreme waviness in the jet stream. Because the jet marks the boundary between warm air and cold air, an extreme meander means that warm air flows much farther north than normal over here, while cold air flows much farther south than normal over there. At the same time, weather systems tend to persist longer and move slower than normal. Rainy weather becomes catastrophic floods. Dry, hot weather becomes killer heat waves and droughts. The extra waviness is likely caused by global warming, especially the loss of Arctic sea ice. As the planet warms, the polar regions warm faster than the rest of the planet, decreasing the contrast between the warm and cold regions and weakening the jet stream that lies at their boundary. Weak jets are slow and wavy.

So climate change doesn’t cause snowstorms in Florida by some magical method of “global weirding,” but instead through a fairly straight-forward form of atmospheric messiness, a weakened and wobbly boundary between warm and cold caused directly by the warming Arctic.

The next bit is less certain, as in not all scientists agree, but a weak and waving jet stream could be one of the mechanisms able to put pressure on the polar vortex and cause it to temporarily break down and allow warm air in over the pole. Such an event is, sensibly enough, called a Sudden Stratospheric Warming, or SSW. Although the stratosphere itself doesn’t have weather in the normal sense of the word, it can influence the weather of the troposphere, resulting in odd weather several weeks later–such as cold snaps, warm periods, or violent storms. SSWs appear to be natural (we have only been measuring stratospheric temperatures for a few decades, now, so it is hard to be sure), and their frequency has not increased, but some computer models suggest an increase could happen, and the extra-wavy jet stream could make it happen–or could already be making it happen. It takes a while to gather enough data to document a change in events that don’t happen every year.

Riley (and presumably its sibling-storms, to some extent) was triggered by a particularly severe SSW, one which ripped the polar vortex in two and triggered a bizarre winter heat wave in which parts of the Arctic rose above freezing for days on end. There’s no sun up there, remember, yet the ice started melting instead of growing–a bad sign. That triggering is not in doubt. And the SSW could have been triggered by a weak and wavy jet stream, which is itself caused by melting sea ice (notice the ominous cycle implied there?). Melting sea ice is, rather unambiguously, a symptom of global warming.

That “maybe” in the middle of the causal chain remains, but this is very close to a linkage between climate change and a single storm. Anyone who claims differently is going to have to marshal a much better argument than accusations of “witchcraft” to convince me otherwise.

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Festival of Lights

I always have mixed feelings about writing holiday posts for holidays I don’t celebrate. I don’t want to get in somebody else’s lane, but on the other hand, I don’t want to ignore other people’s traditions, either. For Chanukah (or Hanukkah, if you prefer), I typically compromise by acknowledging the festival with a list of links to other people writing about it in a climate change context.

The first year I did it, I found a pretty good list quickly. I’ve included them again below. Last year, I was puzzled to find no new material. Where did everybody go? This year, though, I find some very good articles. They are below, too.

But it’s not quite true that I’ve never celebrated Chanukah. It’s true I’m not Jewish and that the holiday can’t meant to me what it might if I was. But I have been invited to participate a few times as a guest. I’ve always been pleased and grateful for the invitation.

I find the light lovely.

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Obstructions, Issues, and Re-directions

Day before yesterday, I started work on a post about a research project of mine. Hitting a wall in my reading, I posted to Facebook to see if anyone could suggest any research leads, and I turned my attention to another post that I thought I could write up quickly while I was waiting for responses–something to offer you for this week, with the other topic becoming next week’s post.

Alas, that quick little post extended itself so that I wasn’t able to finish it that night. The next morning I started again, and by mid-afternoon I was almost finished (this supposedly quick little post) when I accidentally pressed the wrong button and half the thing vanished, and yes I tried to recover it but could not.

By then I’d gotten responses to my questions from the first topic, so I thought I’d just move on and write about that, saving the other for some other week…but it turned out that the answer to my research question was “no.”

I had wanted to know how much air pollution could be avoided by taking a given number of cars off the road in a given local area. That means, first, establishing how much of various pollutants a typical car produces in a typical year. Most cars (that is, the non-electric ones) produce carbon dioxide and the various components of smog. The first is essentially non-toxic but is a major greenhouse gas. The others are toxic and cause or exacerbate various health problems.

Taking cars off the road thus means less greenhouse gas, obviously good but a little abstract for many people. I had thought that by talking instead about smog reduction, I might make the issue seem a little more concrete.

Of course cars vary greatly in the gas mileage, but most fall into a roughly similar bracket, and the EPA has in fact calculated the CO2 output of a typical car: 4.6 metric tons yearly.

But no such number exists for smog. It’s likely no such number can exist for smog.

That’s because some 90% of smog is produced by only 25% of vehicles, both because emissions standards are rapidly changing, and because as cars age, their engines get less efficient and run dirtier. Total smog emissions could be calculated for the area in question, then divided by the number of cars there, yielding a mathematical average per-car figure, but average isn’t always the same as typical, and when variation is so great that there isn’t really any such thing as typical, calculating an average isn’t very helpful.

Which cars come off the road is more important than how many cars do.

Then, of course, there is the issue that I haven’t found total smog figures for the area I’m interested in and don’t have the information I’d need to calculate such figures anyway.

Sometimes, the answer to a question is no. Sometimes, though I prefer to work with precise numbers–they are less subject to being twisted by either malice or bias–there is simply no alternative than to fall back on accurate vagueness: there should be fewer cars on the road.

A photograph of two lanes of cars facing the camera, apparently stopped in traffic. The background looks urban, and although it appears to be daylight, the headlights are all on and their shine is visible on the roadway, so the day can't be very bright. Perhaps it is dusk, or maybe cloudy weather.
Photo by Nabeel Syed on Unsplash

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Everything’s OK!

Everything’s not, of course. Lots of things right now are not OK. Some of those not-OK things relate directly to climate change. But I personally had a pretty good day today. The weather was gorgeous, my husband bought me Indian food, and then we went sailing. This is how real life differs from disaster movies.

In the movie version of climate change, there comes a point where climate change arrives and everything becomes entirely horrible in a dramatic fashion. Oh, no!

In real life, climate change is definitely here, and the chance of horrible stuff happening is definitely elevated, and yet there are these interstices of loveliness. That’s how real life works–it’s messy and uneven.

Do not be fooled by the good days, but don’t reject them, either. Enjoy them. Use them. And then get back to work because this world is still worth fighting for.